I’ve been away from this blog since the pandemic brought us all to a screeching halt in the Spring of 2020. It has been over a year and a half since it was updated, and now it is time to begin again. I had set the goal of 180 Days of reflecting on my teaching using mindfulness as the lens, and I return to that goal now.
So I begin again.
The narrator drops us abruptly into a new scene: my context is now singularly a small middle school in Maine, where I serve as the Mindfulness Director, under the support of WholeSchool Mindfulness.
This is my second year in this role. But today was my first day as the MD on this particular day. The day before a long weekend.
As I transition out of the school day, I rely on the beauty of New England fall… the yellowing leaves, hushing and falling, to remind me to return to this moment. As my mind continues to grapple with the residue of the school day, filled with uncertainties and no easy answers, I come back to the leaves and refind myself in this moment. Again. And again. And again.