My four-year-old daughter has had an intense case of the "I don't wannas" when it comes to school lately. As someone who comes in and out of those, I can relate. The "I don't wannas" often come from anticipating overwhelm that will happen later. It is bred from fear of the hardness or struggle.
In this week's 10% Happier Work Life Challenge, Matthew Hepburn invites us to try out a "Just Right Now" mentality. He talks about how we try to live a whole day (or weeks, or months), in a single moment, and of course that's overwhelming. What if, when we woke up in the morning, we only tried to take in the right now? Can I do right now? And then now? And then now?
Instead of trying to do the whole day at once, play with chunking it into moments.
Now this moment, I can do.